Monday, September 24, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

The Counselor's Corner

Character Education Word of the Week:  Obedience means quickly and cheerfully carrying out the wise direction of those who are responsible for me.

According to the Changing Lives Character Education Program, obedience in school means:
1.  I will get in line when I hear the bell.
2.  I will obey the rules and regulations of school.
3.  I will listen and obey my teachers.

Career in Focus:  Police Officer enforces the laws; teach and protect people; arrest violators/lawbreakers.  They carry out investigations and testify in court.  Police Officers also direct traffic and help keep crowds safe and orderly.

Classroom Guidance Lesson:  Conflict Resolution:  Bullying

Quote:  "Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety."                                                                                                 Aeschylus

The Counselor's Corner

Phenix City Schools will be implementing the Homelessness Initiative in our schools
on October 15-19.  Students will have lessons on homelessness, will read Sam and the Lucky Money by Karen Chinn, and participate in a Homeless Shelters Supplies Drive.  Currently, there are over 2,000 students labeled homeless in the Muscogee County and Phenix City areas.  They often reside with relatives, neighbors, or friends.  Some sleep in their cars.  Please allow your child to bring one or more of the items listed below.  This is a great opportunity for us
to reinforce the character words of kindness, compassion, and generosity.
Supplies that are needed for our homeless:

Wish List of Client Needs                                          Wish list of Office Needs
Antiperspirant/ Deodorant                                            Cleaning Supplies
After Shave Lotion                                                        Copy Paper
Bug Spray                                                                    Hand sanitizer
Calendar – Pocket Sized or Small                                  Financial Contributions              
Comb / Brush                                                               Large bottles of hand soap
Face or Hand Towel                                                      Kleenex tissue
Feminine Hygiene Products                                           Qt Size Storage bags   
Knapsack or Duffle Bag                                                Toilet Paper
Lip Protection (Chapstick /Blistex) & or Lipstick
Mouthwash WITHOUT Alcohol
Nail Clippers
Notebook / Little or Pocket Size Notebook                      Additional Client Needs
Pen                                                                              Sleeping Bags
Perfume / Cologne                                                        Tents
Pocket Folders                                                              Warm Blankets
Prepaid Phone Cards                                                     Scarves
Razors                                                                          Gloves
Shaving Cream                                                             Ski Caps
Shampoo                                                                        Umbrella/Rain Poncho
Shower Shoes                                                                 Suitcases/Tote Bags
Sun Screen
Tissue Paper (Travel Packs)
Toothbrush Travel Case
Washcloth                                      THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

The Counselor's Corner


The students at Phenix City Elementary School learned that dependability means that one is dependable, reliable, worthy of trust - fulfilling what one consented to do, even if it meant unexpected sacrifices.

Students may want to continue to read the following books:

I'm Your Bus    by Marilyn Singer

Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel

Harvey Hare: Postman Extraordinaire by Bernadette Watts                

The Signmaker's Assistant by Tedd Arnold


Quotable Quote:  "The greatest ability is dependability." --Bob Jones

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

The Counselor's Corner's

Character Word:  Dependability means reliability and trustworthiness; the quality of being dependable, reliable, worthy of trust.

According to the Changing Lives Character Education Program, depenability in school means:
1.  I will do my homework and submit it on time.
2.  I will come to school on time everyday.
3.  I will honor my word.

Career in Focus: Banker keeps track of customers' bank accounts; handles money deposits/withdrawals; helps customers with financial needs such as loans, investments, and tax questions.

Classroom Guidance Lesson:  Self-Esteem

Quote:  "When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another."                                                                                       Helen Keller

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

After completing the classroom guidance lesson on respectfulness, students are encouraged to read:

Fish and Flamingo   by:  Nacy White Carlstrom

Great Kapok Tree   by:  Lynne Cherry

Are You My Friend?   by:  Janice Derby

Good Morning, Good Night  by:  Ivan Gantschev

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

As we enter the fourth week of school, students will learn the importance of respect and how to identify and deal with their feelings appropriately.

Character Word: Respectfulness means having a high regard for someone and to treat with courtesy and consideration.

According to the Changing Lives Character Education Program, respectfulness in school means:

* I will be kind and polite to teachers, classmates, and elders.

* I will obey school rules and regulations.

* I will listen and follow my teachers directions.

Career in Focus: Firefighters fight or extinguish fires, inspect buildings for fire hazards, fire escapes, and fire doors. Firefighters teach fire prevention and safety and clean and maintain the fire fighting equipment.

Classroom Guidance Lesson: Identifying and Dealing with Feelings

Quote: "Knowledge will give you power, but character respect".

Bruce Lee




Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

The Counselor's Corner

After completing our lesson on responsibility, students may want to do a Responsibility Weekly Planner and to read the following suggested books:

Miss Nelson Has a Field Day     by:  Henry Allard

Shoeshine Girl  by:  Robert Clyde Bulla

The Little Red Hen  by:  Paul Galdone

Responsibility:  What Is It?   by:  N. Pemberton and J. Riehecky

The Little Engine That Saved The City  by:  Dennis Smith.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

After a restful Labor Day Holiday, students are back at school and eager to learn.  The following character word, career in focus, and classroom guidance lesson will be learned this week.

Character Word:  Responsibility means the condition of being responsible.  Obliged to carry or take care of, as duty, trust or debt - reliable trustworthy; caring for something, or to be in charge of something.

Career in Focus:  EMT/Paramedic gives people the urgent care they need in emergency situations like car accidents or heart attacks.

Classroom Guidance Lesson:  Listening - Students will follow directions and develop listening skills.

Quote:  It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.
                                                                                                         Oliver Wendall Holmes