Monday, December 3, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

The month of December is rich with opportunities for students to celebrate diversity.  On December 2, 2012, we will begin to celebrate Advent.  On December 8, 2012, Hanukkah will begin. December 26 - January 1, 2012 will be Kwanzaa.  Students enjoy learning about the different celebrations and how all of the celebrations have many things in common.  All are celebrations are times to enjoy family and friends,  all have candles or lights (advent wreath, menorah, and kinara ), and all involve the giving of gifts.

Character Education Word of the Week:  Patience means the ability to remain calm.  It is willingness to put up with waiting.

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, Patience in School Means:

1.  I will try and try until I succeed.

2.  I will take my time when taking a test, and I'll review my work.

3.  I will learn to be patient and wait for my turn.

4.  I will learn how to use my spare time wisely.

Careers Focus:

Focus on careers in social activism
Do you want to help make the world a better place? Here are some careers that will allow you to make a difference:

Quotable Quote:  "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.                     Harriet Tubman

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