Monday, January 28, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

Our character education word of the week is citizenship.  Citizenship means the duties, rights, and privileges of a resident of a country; the condition of being a citizen, with all its rights and duties.

According to our Changing Lives Character education Program, Citizenship in School Means:

1.  I will help keep the school neat and clean.

2.  I will help classmates who are in need.

3.  I will obey my teachers.

Our Career in Focus is the Baker.  Bakers make cakes, cookies, bread, pastries, and other baked goods.

  • Measure and prepare ingredients according to recipes
  • Operate mixers, ovens, and other equipment
  • Decorate and package finished baked goods
  • Keep kitchen and baking equipment clean
  • May set prices, order supplies, or serve customers .

Quotable Quote:  "Citizenship is the man's basic right, for it is nothing less than His right to have rights."
                                                                         Chief Justice Earl Warren

The Counselor's Corner

PCES students are learning that good citizens:
1.  Good citizens help protect the earth.
2.  Good citizens stay informed.
3.  Good citizens obey rules and laws.
4.  Good citizens work to make their community better.


Quotable Quote:  "The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight."                                                                           Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

The character education word for this week is patriotism.  Patriotism means love and loyal support for one's country.  Students were given an excellent opportunity to witness patriotism in action with the televised coverage of the Inauguration of our 44th President - President Barack Obama.  

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, Patriotism in School Means:
1.  I will recite the pledge of allegiance and respect the flag.
2.  I will respect school property.
3.  I will obey my teachers.
4.  I will follow school rules and regulations.

Careers in Focus:  National Guard and InfantryNational Guard members stand ready to protect the nation in case of attack and to aid Americans affected by earthquakes and other disasters.Infantry soldiers capture or destroy enemy forces on the ground during times of war; infantry officers lead the soldiers.

Quotable Quote:

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."  John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Counselor's Corner:

Our lesson on patriotism will hopefully instill love and loyal support for our country - the United States of America in all of our students.  Students shared ways that people can show patriotism such as volunteering and voting.  Some additional books for students to read on patriotism are:

Quotable Quote:

"The highest patriotism is not a blind acceptance of official policy, but a love of one's country deep enough to call her to a higher plain. "       George McGovern

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Counselor's Corner:

PCES students are enjoying learning about the character word of the week which is uniqueness.  The goals for this week are to:

PS:A1.1  Develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy person.

PS:A1.9  Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups.

PS:A2.6  Use effective communication skills.

Students are amazed when they realize that they are truly unique and no one has their exact DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid):  Hair, Fingerprints, Blood, et cetera.

Students are enjoying listening to the book:
It's Okay to Be Different by Todd Parr.

Front Cover

Additional Books on Uniqueness are:
If Only I Had A Green Nose by Max Lucado
I Like Myself by Hans Wilhelm
I Am Special by Catherine Hernandex
All About Me  by Paige Krul Araujo
I Like Me by Nancy Carlson
Unique Monique by Maria Rousaki
I'm Gonna Like Me by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell
You Are Special by Max Lucado
Incredible You! by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Ella the Elegant Elephant by Carmela & Steven D'amico

Quotable Quote:  "It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativeness, and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding of his capacities and talents."                       Eric Hoffer                      

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

Our character education word for the week is Uniqueness.  Uniqueness means being the only one of its type; without an equal or like; singular.

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, uniqueness in school means:

1.  I will appreciate the talents of others.

2.  I will respect individual differences.

3.  I will respect the opinions of others.  

Students are continuing to learn about the contributions of a unique American, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who taught all of us to respect and appreciate individual differences of all people. 

Quotable Quote:  " Each human is uniquely different.  Like snowflakes, the human pattern is never cast twice."                                                    Alice Childress                                                                                                                            

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

Our character education word for the week is Uniqueness.  Uniqueness means being the only one of its type; without an equal or like; singular.

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, Uniqueness in School Means:1.  I will appreciate the talents of others.2.  I will respect individual differences.3.  I will respect the opinions of others.

Career in Focus: 

Artists express themselves through painting, drawing, sculpting, and other kinds of art.

Core Tasks

  • Create paintings, sculptures, carvings, or other types of art
  • Use paints, clay, wood, charcoal, glass, or other materials
  • Display artwork in galleries
  • Find buyers for completed artwork

The Counselor's Corner

After reading Consideration by Lucia Raatma, students are discussing ways to show consideration and ways to show thoughtful concern for the feelings and interests of others.

Consideration is a five-syllable word that stands for an important character trait. Another word for consideration is respectfulness. People of all ages appreciate respectful behavior. The opposite of consideration is thoughtlessness. To be considerate of others is to put their wishes first.

Brenda B. Covert gives us three ways to show consideration:
1.  Respect the property of others.
2.  Be respectful of the feelings of others.
3.  Consider the preferences of others - their taste is movies, music, games, et cetera.

Quotable Quote:  "It is time to return to core values, time to get back to basics , to self-discipline and respect for the law, to consideration for the others, to accepting responsibility for yourself and your family - and not shuffling it off on other people and the state."

                                                                                                        John Major

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

Our character education word for the week is consideration.  Consideration means the act or process of thinking as if making a decision; thoughtful concern; as for the feeling or interests of others.

Consideration in School Means:
1.  I will show consideration through my words and actions.
2.  I will not spread rumors, gossip, or tell cruel stories about others.
3.  I will share what I have with those who do not have.

Career in Focus:
Clergy members are spiritual leaders who perform religious services and rites, guide congregation members, and promote faith.
Core Tasks
  • Prepare and deliver sermons, and read from sacred texts
  • Conduct religious ceremonies, such as weddings and funerals
  • Develop and lead religious education programs
  • Provide moral guidance and counseling
  • Manage church’s property, order supplies, and contract service
The students are focusing on Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport.

Quotable Quote:

"Every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration. Constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought."
                                                                                                                  Margaret Chase Smith

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

Our character education word for the Week is Tolerance.  Tolerance in School Means:
1.  I will respect others the same way I expect others to respect me.
2.  I will listen before I talk.
3.  I will wait for my turn.
4.  I will weigh what is right against what is popular.

Additional Children's Books to Read on Tolerance:
I Wish I Had Glasses Like Rosa


Little Blue and Little Yellow

Quotable Quote:

"I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation".                          Coretta Scott King

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

The dawn of a new year is always a good time for a fresh start.  During classroom guidance, students will set a  long and a short term goal for 2013.  Before setting a goal, they will learn the goal setting process: 

START          1.  What do you want to aim for?
                           What would you like to be better in?
PLAN            2.  How will you do it? 
                           What things will you need to help you?
                           Who will you need to help you?
                           When will you start?
MEASURE    3.  Where are you now?
                            How far do you need to go?
                            Can you reach your goal?  Or is it too high?  Too low?
WRITE          4.  Write a short statement saying exactly what you want to achieve.
                           Start your goal with "I am".  Follow it with a verb ending in "ing".
                           Picture yourself making your goal - draw it.
TIME             5.  Set a time or date as to when you hope to make your goal.
DO                6.  Stop and picture yourself making your goal.  Praise yourself when you are on target.  Keep
                          track of how often you are successful.  Keep trying!
EVALUATE  7.  Did you hit your mark?
                      8.  Are you satisfied with the results?

Character Education Word of the Week:  Tolerance means to be patient with those who do not
                         share your opinions or have ways different from yours.

Careers in Focus:Career Focus:

Careers for people who like to perform
If you love the excitement of performing in front of an audience, these careers have got it!