Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

The dawn of a new year is always a good time for a fresh start.  During classroom guidance, students will set a  long and a short term goal for 2013.  Before setting a goal, they will learn the goal setting process: 

START          1.  What do you want to aim for?
                           What would you like to be better in?
PLAN            2.  How will you do it? 
                           What things will you need to help you?
                           Who will you need to help you?
                           When will you start?
MEASURE    3.  Where are you now?
                            How far do you need to go?
                            Can you reach your goal?  Or is it too high?  Too low?
WRITE          4.  Write a short statement saying exactly what you want to achieve.
                           Start your goal with "I am".  Follow it with a verb ending in "ing".
                           Picture yourself making your goal - draw it.
TIME             5.  Set a time or date as to when you hope to make your goal.
DO                6.  Stop and picture yourself making your goal.  Praise yourself when you are on target.  Keep
                          track of how often you are successful.  Keep trying!
EVALUATE  7.  Did you hit your mark?
                      8.  Are you satisfied with the results?

Character Education Word of the Week:  Tolerance means to be patient with those who do not
                         share your opinions or have ways different from yours.

Careers in Focus:Career Focus:

Careers for people who like to perform
If you love the excitement of performing in front of an audience, these careers have got it!

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