Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

Our character education word for the week is self-reliance.  Self-reliance means to trust in ones own efforts and abilities.

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, self-reliance in school means:
1.  I will try and try until I succeed.
2.  I will do the task assigned to me on time.
3.  I will not depend on others for what I can do myself.
4.  I will not leave for tomorrow things I can do today.

Books to read on Self-Reliance:

Hooray for You!All by MyselfI Knew You Could!: A Book for All the Stops in Your Life

Career in Focus: Conservator
Conservators preserve history and culture by restoring antique books, artwork, and other important artifacts.
Quotable Quote:

“Self-reliance is the only road to true freedom, and being one's own person is its ultimate reward”  Patricia Sampson

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Counselor's Corner:

Self-Reliance means to trust in ones own efforts and abilities.  During classroom guidance, students discuss ways they show self-reliance.  They also watch the dvd on Auto-B Good:  Self-Reliance.

Additional Books to Read on Self-Reliance are:

Giant Jellybean JarTar BeachEverything on a Waffle

Quotable Quote:  "Part of Obama's persona is self-reliance. He's calm; he's cool; he's self-possessed. In many ways, he has tried to define himself in opposition to Clinton's sometimes needy, often undisciplined, emotionalism."
Dee Dee Myers

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

During Black History Month, students are doing reports on African Americans who showed initiative.  Initiative means actively taking the first steps in any undertaking; the first step in starting or doing something.

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, intiative in school means:
1.  I will do my assignments without being told.
2.  I will not put off for tomorrow things I can do today.
3.  I will look for ways to help my classmates and teachers.
Trade Paperback4.  I will try my best to be part of the solution rather than the problem.

Children Books that Teach Initiative:
Brave Irene by William Steig
Initiative by Robert Walker
Jackson's Plan by Linda Talley
Have You Seen My Duck by Kevin McMurtie
Sally Jean the Bicycle Queen by Carl Best.

Quotable Quote:
"Success comes from taking the initiative and following up... persisting... eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?"

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Counselor's Corner:

This past Monday our students celebrated President's Day.  During classroom guidance, students learned about President Abraham Lincoln and President George Washington.  They learned that these two past presidents showed initiative.  They actively took the first steps in any undertaking - initiative.

Honest Abe Lincoln: Easy-to-read Stories About Abraham Lincoln (Holiday House Reader)My First Biography: Abraham Lincoln

Quotable Quote:
Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

Since our character education word for the week is courage, students have been actively engaged in sharing the thing that they are most afraid of in life.  After stating their fear, the student explores whether their fear is real or imagined.  Students are also learning that Courage is:
1.  Telling the truth when it would be easier to lie.
2.  Standing up for what you believe in, even if people laugh at you.
3.  Doing the right thing, even when it is hard.
4.  Facing your fears.
5.  Taking risks for something you believe in.

Additional stories to read on courage are:
Young People's Stories of Courage by Henry and Melissa Billings
The Shark Who Was Afraid of Everything! by Brian James
The Child's World of Courage  by  Jane Belk Moncure
Courage:  Values to Live By by Jane Belk Moncure
Courage by Kritin Thoennes Keller.

The Valentine Coronation was also held on February 14, 2013.  Students raised money
for the American Cancer Society to assist people with their courageous battle to fight
cancer and to assist with research to find a cure for cancer.  This year's Mr. and Mrs. Sweetheart are:
Michael Bowden and Aysiah Sanders.
Junior Mr. Sweetheart is Dakota Richard
Junior Miss Sweethear
                                                         Lil Miss Sweetheart.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

In the corner of a book of Rosa Parks stamps is the word courage.

Our character education word for the week is courage.  Courage means to meet an ordeal, problem, anything painful, difficult or dangerous, without fear.

Courage in School Means:

1.  I will not be afraid to tell the truth.
2.  I will stand up for my friends when they are right.
3.  I will not be afraid to speak in front of the class.

Students listen to The Honest Thumb from Young People's Stories of Courage.
They also view Auto B Good DVD on Courage.  During Black History Month, we also look at three African Americans who showed courage:
Jackie Robinson
Fannie Lou Hamer
Doris "Dorie" Miller.

Quotable Quote:  "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Counselor's Corner:

February 4, 2013 marks the 100th Birthday for Rosa Parks.  In honor of her 100th Birthday, the U.S. Postal Service issued the Rosa Parks Forever Stamp. Our character education word for the week is loyalty. Loyalty means to be faithful to ones family, friends and obligations.  Rosa Parks remain loyal to her belief that all people should be treated equally.

During classroom guidance, students are studying decision making.  The Three Little Pigs is used to explain decision making to grades K-2.    The students also enjoy the movement, "The Three Little Pigs Blues" by Greg and Steve.  The story of Rosa Parks and her decision not to give up her seat is being used to explain decision making to grades 3-5.

Career in Focus:  Artist

Careers for people who like to draw

It does not matter if you use pencils, paintbrushes or computer graphics software – what counts in these jobs is drawing accurately and well.

Related Careers
Quotable Quote:  The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.                                                                                                                          Zig Ziglar

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Counselor's Corner:

Our character education word for the week is : Loyalty means to be faithful to ones family, friends, and obligations.

During classroom guidance, we are spotlighting some African American Achievers who have made major contributions to American History.

February 5th marks  the 79th birthday of baseball legend, Hammerin Hank Aaron. His loyalty to his sport, courage and integrity helped to break Babe Ruth's record on April 8, 1974 with number 715.  Henry Louis "Hank" Aaron (born February 5, 1934) is considered to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time.

Our Career in Focus is an artist.  Artists express themselves through painting, drawing, sculpting, and other kinds of art.

Core Tasks:

  • Create paintings, sculptures, carvings, or other types of art
  • Use paints, clay, wood, charcoal, glass, or other materials
  • Display artwork in galleries
  • Find buyers for completed artwork. 

Quotable Quote: 

 "I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third is loyalty."     Summer Altice