Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

Since our character education word for the week is courage, students have been actively engaged in sharing the thing that they are most afraid of in life.  After stating their fear, the student explores whether their fear is real or imagined.  Students are also learning that Courage is:
1.  Telling the truth when it would be easier to lie.
2.  Standing up for what you believe in, even if people laugh at you.
3.  Doing the right thing, even when it is hard.
4.  Facing your fears.
5.  Taking risks for something you believe in.

Additional stories to read on courage are:
Young People's Stories of Courage by Henry and Melissa Billings
The Shark Who Was Afraid of Everything! by Brian James
The Child's World of Courage  by  Jane Belk Moncure
Courage:  Values to Live By by Jane Belk Moncure
Courage by Kritin Thoennes Keller.

The Valentine Coronation was also held on February 14, 2013.  Students raised money
for the American Cancer Society to assist people with their courageous battle to fight
cancer and to assist with research to find a cure for cancer.  This year's Mr. and Mrs. Sweetheart are:
Michael Bowden and Aysiah Sanders.
Junior Mr. Sweetheart is Dakota Richard
Junior Miss Sweethear
                                                         Lil Miss Sweetheart.

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