Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Counselor's Corner

The character education word for the week in Phenix City Schools is fairness.

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, fairness means not favoring one more than another; being just - following the right rules, being honest.

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, Fairness in School Means:
1.  I will not take sides because he or she is a friend.
2.  I will treat my classmates the way I want them to treat me.
3.  I will respect my teachers and obey school rules.
4.  I will do my best to get along with my schoolmates.

Career in Focus:  Judge

Judges preside over courts of law, making sure the court administers justice while respecting people's legal rights.

Quotable Quote:  "Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you."                                                                                                                H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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