Friday, April 12, 2013

 The Counselor's Corner

Our character education word for the week is cleanliness.

Cleanliness means free from dirt; not soiled; clean.

According to our Changing Lives Character Education Program, Cleanliness in School Means:                                                                                                                                1.  I will help pick up papers and dirty things on the playground.                                                                                               2.  I will return my lunch tray to the kitchen.                                                                                                                   3.  I will wash my hands before eating.

Front Cover

Spotlight on Careers:

Housekeepers clean and maintain homes, hotels, offices, and other establishments.
  • Sweep and mop floors, vacuum carpets, and wash windows
  • Clean appliances, sinks, toilets, and showers
  • Wash linens and make beds
  • Some private housekeepers prepare meals and look after children
  • May take out the garbage and feed pets.

Quotable Quote:
I neither drink nor smoke, because my schoolmaster impressed upon me three cardinal virtues; cleanliness in person, cleanliness in mind; temperance.

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