Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

Character Education Word of the Week:  Joyfulness means to have a strong feeling of happiness, contentment, and satisfaction; gladness or happiness.

Joyfulness in School Means:
1.  I will refuse to say negative things about my classmates.
2.  I will greet each new day with excitement!
3.  I will look for beauty in other people.

Careers in engineering

If you like math and science, and you think the challenge of developing innovative new products sounds appealing, you might want to consider a career in one of these engineering fields:

Students are continuing their Six Literature-Based Lessons on Bullying Behaviors from I Didn't Know I Was A Bully by Melissa Richards.

Quotable Quote:  "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."    Buddha


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