Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Counselor's Corners

The Counselor's Corner

November is rich with opportunities for students to show the character words of the month which are kindness, thankfulness, generosity, goodwill, and joyfulness.  Being grateful or thankful means appreciating what you have instead of missing what you don't have. 

Character Word of the Week: Thankfulness  means a feeling of gratitude; to give thanks.
Thankfulness in School Means:
1.  I will appreciate things given to me.
2.  I will say, "Thank you" for kind words and deeds.
3.  I will show appreciation to my teachers and classmates.

Career in Focus:  Automotive service technicians maintain and repair vehicles.

During classroom guidance, the students will read:  My Most Thankful Thing by Lisa McCourt.  Students will complete the assessment  "Thankful/Gratitude Soup".

Additional Books on Thankfulness/Gratitude:
Reach Out and Give by Cheri J. Meiners
Noah and the Ark:  A Story   Smart Kids Publishing
50 Ways to A Thankful Heart  by Jane Caniss Jarrell
Small Blessings by Erica Becker
Little Thank-You's  by Alan Benjamin
Thank You  by Kelly Doudna
I'm Thankful Each Day!  by P.K. Hallinan
Blessings Everywhere  by Dandi Daley Mackalll
Thanksgiving:  A Day of Thanks by Amanda Doering Tourville
Feeling Thankful  by Shelley Rotner
Let's Be Thankful  by Mitter
Thank You  by Engelbreit

"Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts."                                                                               Alan Cohen

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