Monday, October 1, 2012


Character Education Words for the Week:

Compassion means a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by
misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

Kindness means to be good, unselfish, or generous to another.

Generosity means willingness to share with others; the quality of being generous.

Career in Focus:

Homelessness Initiative

From October 1-11, the students at Phenix City Elementary School will be participating in the Homelessness Initiative.  Students will learn:
The Causes of Homelessness:
1.  Loss of a job or income
2.  Disability
3.  Mental Illness
4.  Divorce
5.  Injury
6.  Post Traumatic Syndrome (military)
7.  Family Abuse Issues, et cetera.
Common Signs of Homeless:
1.  Lack of Continuity in Education
2.  Poor Health/Nutrition
3.  Transportation and Attendance Problems
4.  Poor Hygiene
5.  Lack of Personal Space After School
6.  Social and Behavioral Concerns
7.  Reaction/Statements by Parent, Guardian, or Child.

Students will read:  Sam and the Lucky Money by Karen Chinn.

Careers in Focus:  Social workers provide individuals and families with the resources and support they need to address personal and social issues.

Community workers work for community social service and outreach programs that help people in need.

Students will participate in the Homelessness Initiative Drive by donating items for the Homeless Shelters.
Quote:  "The True happiness that Man has searched for since the dawn of humanity, that is the inner gold that awaits any person who holds compassionately the key of anonymous generosity. Do something for your fellow man, not for the gold, but for the love of Man, and you shall truly have the gold."

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