Monday, October 15, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

The Homeless Initiative in Phenix City Schools  (October 14-19, 2012) gave the students at Phenix City Elementary an opportunity to read Sam and the Lucky Money by Karen Chinn:

 The students learned about Sam's generosity toward the homeless man in the story.  Students also learned about leisees.

The students roleplayed the question:  "How would you feel if you had no home - no place to keep you safe and warm?"

41.2%  Sad    22%  Angry  12.4%  Jealous  11.6  Scared  11.6  Lonely  1.2%  
1.2%  Ashamed/Embarrassed

Students drew pictures of their ideal home and talked about the things that would make a home ideal.

Students also roleplayed some of the causes of homelessness: 
                                                                    Loss of Job/Income

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome 

The most valuable lessons learned were:
 Generosity, Kindness, Goodwill, and Compassion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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