Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Counselor's Corner

The Counselor's Corner

October 23-31, 2012 is RED RIBBON WEEK:

Character Word of the Week:  Self-Control means to keep one's behavior, desires, and emotions under one's own command; control of one's emotions or actions.

According to the Changing Lives Character Education Program, self-control in school means:
1.  I will control my temper.
2.  I will count to ten before I do something.
3.  I will remain calm even when I am provoked.
Career in Focus:  Meteorologist uses satellites, radar, and sophisticated computers to study and predict the weather.

During classroom guidance, students will view the "Cartoon All Stars" and learn the dangers of illegal drugs.

Quote:  "Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power."
                                                                                                                                        Clint Eastwood

 Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Students Displayed Anti-Drug Slogans in the halls for Red Ribbon Week.

Mrs. Spencer's class poses for Monday's theme:  "I'm a jeanious.  I'm drug-free."
Tuesday's theme was  "Sock It To Drugs."
Mrs. Brinker's class shows off their Red Ribbon Week pencils.

Mrs. Culpepper's class poses for Wednesday's theme:  "Get T'd Off About Drugs."

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